Velocity AI Terms of Use


Last Updated: June 25, 2023

This Agreement is between You and Revenue Velocity Inc. ("Revenue Velocity"), the provider of Velocity AI ("the App"). By using the App, you agree to these Terms of Use.

1. Description of Service and Usage Limitation:

Velocity AI is an application that facilitates Zoom calls by transcribing conversations, identifying questions from the transcript, and providing answers from a predefined Sales Methodology. The App is designed for both personal and business use. Users are prohibited from using the App for any unlawful activities or purposes that violate the rights of others.

2. Privacy Policy:

Our Privacy Policy explains the information we collect, how we use and protect it. By using our App, you agree to our Privacy Policy. Please read it carefully.

3. Procedures and Liability:

Revenue Velocity ensures that Velocity AI is regularly maintained and updated for optimal performance. However, there may be periods when the App is unavailable due to maintenance. In case of data loss or business disruption due to the App's usage, Revenue Velocity's liability is limited as set forth in our Privacy Policy.

4. Payment Policy:

The App is provided on a subscription basis. Payment terms, including methods of payment, are disclosed at the point of purchase. Failure to make timely payments could result in suspension or termination of access to the App.

By using the App, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and agree not to violate the rights of others. Revenue Velocity reserves the right to terminate your access to the App for any breach of these Terms of Use.